Talk about a simple, fresh and ridiculously tasty recipe!!
3-4 Roma tomatoes
1 tablespoon of soy sauce
2 tablespoons of rice vinegar
Pinch of salt
1-2 avocados, chopped
Cucumbers for garnish
Heat 3 cups of water on the stove
Set a bowl with ice water on the counter next to the stove
Boil water
Carefully add your tomatoes
After roughly 45-60 seconds you will see the skin start to crack
Immediately and carefully remove tomatoes and place into ice bath
Remove from water and peel away the skin
Cut each tomato into 4's
Remove seeds and meat inside
Cut into slivers, or desired sizes
In a medium bowl whisk together soy sauce, vinegar and salt
Place your tomato slivers into marinade
Allow to sit in marinade for at least 30 minutes, the longer the better
Remove from liquid, reserve liquid*
Chop tomatoes into chunks
Place into bottom of round cup
Top with chopped avocados
Line a plate with cucumbers and micro greens (optional)
Place round cup upside down onto plate
Carefully let the tower slide out from the cup
Garnish with more micro greens
*Feel free to drizzle your finished tartare with reserved liquid