Your new favorite sushi! That's right, you can now enjoy sushi at home with a few simple ingredients!
1 can of hearts of palm
2 tbl of Sriracha
1-2 tbl of Vegenaise
1 tsp Garlic Salt
3 cups cooked sushi rice, or more
1-2 Avocados, sliced
Sesame Seeds
Spicy Vegenaise, optional (1/4 cup of vegenaise with 1-2tbl of sriracha)

Chop your hearts of palm, finely
Stir in your sriracha and vegenaise
Season with garlic salt
Mix well
Refrigerate for 20 minutes
Prepare sushi
Wrap your sushi mat in saran wrap
On a sushi matt, place down your nori rough side up
(Use wet hands when using sushi rice)
Spread a ball of sushi rice evenly across nori
Leave roughly one inch of no rice on top
Sprinkle with Sesame Seeds
Carefully flip your nori to rice side down
Fill center with ingredients sliced avocado and spicy 'crab'
Each ingredient with make 1 line across, horizontally
Begin to roll, carefully and tightly using mat
Here is a helpful guide to rolling sushi how to roll
Cut roll with sharp knife
Serve with extra Spicy Vegenaise or soy sauce