Veganized version of Melon and Prosciutto!
2 tbl of balsamic vinegar
1 rounded tbl of apricot jam
1 tbl of olive oil
1/2 melon cut into chunks
1 package of Sweet Earth Bacon Benevolent
Bamboo sticks, soaked in water for 20 minutes
Arugula for plating

Combine the first 3 ingredients together
Mix well
Wrap 1 slice around melon tightly
Place on bamboo skewer
Continue with remaining melons and slices
You can place 2-3 on 1 skewer
Coat each side generously with sauce
Place onto greased cookie sheet
Place under the broiler for 5 minutes on each side
Remove and let cool for 2 minutes
Remove melons one by one and place on toothpick
Serve over arugula